Sunday, May 8, 2016


Not a lot is known about Wankan. It originates from the Tomari te stream and is of Chinese origin, but when it was introduced to Okinawa and by whom is unknown.

The form is short, but difficult to perform well. One suggested reason for the comparative brevity of this kata is that it is only a part of a much longer one, now lost. The name means 'King's Crown' and it is notable for the use of neko ashi dachi (cat stance), which itself is for close quarters combat. The kata also includes some interesting trapping techniques from 00:29 - 00:41 which, along with the final 'double punch' technique reinforce the idea that when combined with the longer range techniques, the overall form was intended to teach the concept of closing the distance from long range into trapping range. (Please refer to my review of Four Shades of Black for more information on a conceptual approach to the understanding of kata).

Master Kanawaza performing Wankan