Saturday, May 7, 2016


Jion is another kata from the Itosu line, taught to him by 'Bushi' Matsumura and then passed in turn from Itosu sensei to Funakoshi sensei. It is believed that the form has its origins in China but was modified, as many patterns were, by Itosu and this more-linear version is the one that has come down to us through the Shotokan school.

The kata begins from a stance with the left hand covering the right fist, indicating a Chinese origin and, more specific to Okinawa, a Tomari te root. This stance is seen in other forms such as Bassai Dai and demonstrates a common place of origin.

The exact meaning of the name has been lost. It is taught as one of the three 'temple' kata (the others being Jiin and Jitte) but is is unlikely that the name is a reference to a famous Buddhist temple of the same name on mainland Japan. One author has seen a different kanji (Chinese character) used in reference to this form, though using the same pronunciation, to mean 'to develop techniques to condition the body.

Master Kanazawa performing Jion