Sunday, May 1, 2016

Muay Thai Knee

Muay Thai knee techniques are devastating strikes that can be applied at close range and can easily finish an opponent with one shot.

Muay Thai Knee Notes

* When performing the straight knee technique exhale your breath, keep your chin tucked down and hold your arms out in front of you.

* The power for the technique comes from driving your hips forward into the strike.

* Your supporting foot should pivot in position to open up your hips and ensure the knee strike is being delivered with maximum power. This will also extend the range of your Thai boxing knees and allow you to connect with opponents from a greater distance.

* Once you can perform a single knee strike try using them in combination, clinching the bag as you do so.

* In the clinch keep your head forward and your elbows tucked in and relax. Avoid allowing your opponent to grab your head and twist your from side to side unbalancing you.